A friend called me yesterday with the sad news that our mutual friend Gideon Baws of Shynola died this weekend whilst at a wedding in LA. Of course the appropriate way to find out should be more personal than this blog but having phoned everyone I can think of who needs to know I feel that I need to say a few words here. I guess the shell shocked feeling of it all clouds any notion of what the correct response should be.
The news has shocked everyone who knew him. All I know is that he died of heart failure. Gideon, a lovely and gentle young guy of 33 was the last person I'd expect to hear this about. He always seemed healthy and in good spirits. He didn't do drugs or over-do booze and he was young.
Although Gideon wasn't someone I hung out with all the time he was someone I knew and liked. The last time I spoke to him was too long ago. He'd called me to see if I wanted to go trampolining. I was busy, going on a date. It's clear to me now that it must have been over a year ago as I've been Charlie for that long now. Whilst it's pointless to get into knots over that one trivial occasion it would seem silly not to take stock and consider how important keeping in touch is.
There are a lot of people who'll miss Gideon. Those who knew him will be hit the hardest but there will also be a creative void that was once filled by a truly talented guy.
Goodbye Gids.