Being dedicated, but not too dedicated (like the campers who've been there since wednesday, and scare me frankly), I started queuing early for my secret RCA cards. By 5:30am the queue already stretched right around the RCA building, down the side of the Albert Hall, into the small mews behind the college, round the courtyard, down a dead end alley and back out into the courtyard. People were armed with hot flasks and high spirits. It was good fun. Watch out for my queue-film coming to youtube near you.
I had a shortlist of about 90 of the 2, 700, that I genuinely liked. Narrowing that down even further, there were 20 that I especially liked. I'm happy to say that all the ones I got were in my top 10. Here they are.
..So I'm pretty happy with that. They'll look great framed as a set. Perhaps I'll go every year and build up a collection...
And who are they by? Well, that's a secret.